Why am I Doing a DTS? (part one)

Welcome! I am so excited to be writing my very first blog post! I thought I would start out my first post by introducing myself.

My name is Julia Comisky, I am 20 years old. I have lived in a small town called Chehalis, in Washington State my whole entire life. I currently live with my Mom, Jodi, my Dad, Matt, and my (not so) little brother Charlie! In addition to that, I have a two-and-a-half year old corgi named Harlow who is my best friend in the entire world. I am a waitress right now at a breakfast place in Centralia called Judy’s Country Kitchen. I also enjoy surfing, snowboarding and spending quality time with my family.

Okay, now that you have a small glimpse into where I am at in my life, I am going to get into what some say is the “nitty gritty” on this blog. By this I mean I want to be honest and be able to share who I really am and what God has created me to be (which I am still figuring out). So with that, I am just going to dive right into my story and how the Lord guided me into doing a DTS this September. 

When I think back on memories from my early childhood I remember always knowing who God was. At that age, I knew that He created the Earth, saved all of the animals on Noah’s arch, and that He created me and loved me always. I would attend church with my family, go to fun christian summer camps with my little brother, learn and sing about God at school and watch all of the Veggie Tales movies I could. I remember feeling so embraced in His love for me and I was hungry and excited to know Him. 

As I grew older I got more into sports, excelling in school, and a social life (aka, boyfriends). I suddenly had loads of homework, soccer practice all of the time, with games on the weekends, and loads of stress. With all of this though I have always had my family to strongly support me, love and help guide me along the way which I will forever be thankful for as they still support me to this day.

But in my heart deep down I knew I was also missing that love and support from Jesus. I really had no time or honestly enough energy to continue growing my relationship with the Lord. I became estranged from Him, depressed and growing with anxiety as I got older. Being distant with God is not something I never really thought would happen or something that I am proud to admit, but it just was one of the things you don’t really know what happened until it hit you

And let me tell you, it hit me.


Why am I Doing a DTS (part two)